I order Dell XPS 1645 through Dell Korea online at 2010/02/03.
As of today (2/18), it is still before in-production.
I called Dell yesterday and learned that they are having a problem with getting enough RGBLED panel. I was told that I would receive the laptop around early March.
It is taking a month.
Since I had seen lots of issue(power throtting, sound issue, crash, difficult rgb led setting) about this laptop, I started doubt that it was a good choice.
Anyway, I will wait and see if it would be worth.
It is finally in my hands. It took exactly a month.
Checking the notebook. I found out that one particle of dust is stuck between the glass and the lcd in the left bottom corner. No defect pixels. Am I lucky?
I am inclined to keep this notebook.
But one glitch. I applied icc profile that is recommended by many people over notebookforum. Today after boot up, the display doesn't show up. So I had to go into safe mode and turn off the color profile. Do I need to use the profile? Actually I am not that sensitive to colors. The default profile also looks good to me.
Tomorrow I will ask a 130W power adapter replacement. I heard that Dell will cut in factory for 130W power adapter.
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